
2023年展望: Cyber Security Landscape

存管连接 | 2023年4月4日

The cyber landscape is constantly evolving and staying ahead of these threats is a never-ending job. Driven by the growing sophistication of threat actors, the proliferation of new technology adoption and an increasingly interconnected marketplace, cyber risk ranks as a top threat to the financial services ecosystem, 根据… 存最近的调查.

In 2023, 存 will continue to engage with clients, 金融当局, government agencies and key stakeholders to advance opportunities to share best practices and partner on ways to mitigate cyber risk.

存管连接 采访了杰森·哈勒尔, 存 Managing Director and Head of External Engagements, 操作和技术风险, who weighed in on three key areas of focus for 存 in 2023.


  • 背景: As cyber incidents continue to grow in frequency and sophistication, cyber incident reporting has become a key focus area. 有效的网络事件报告, coupled with public/private information sharing of cyber events, can help limit the impact of incidents across the financial services sector and support stability of the markets.
  • 问题: Varied approaches to cyber incident reporting across regional and global jurisdictions has noticeably increased the difficulty for financial institutions to meet their regulatory reporting obligations. Limitations on information sharing frameworks between 金融当局 and between 金融当局 and financial institutions impairs the ability of the financial services sector to enhance its 保护ions against cyberattacks.
  • 2023年展望: 存 will engage with key public/private working groups and trade associations to help shape the development of frameworks used to share cyber incident information between 金融当局 and institutions.


  • 背景: Operational resilience is an organization’s ability to identify, 保护, 适应和回应, 从操作事件中恢复. As the threats to our industry continue to evolve, financial institutions must identify how these threats may impact their ability to deliver critical operations and what, 如果有任何, capabilities are required to further enhance resilience. Enhancing operational resilience across the financial services industry requires efforts that are cross-border and cross-sectoral in nature. 金融当局, 标准制定机构, and the private sector must also adopt practices to strengthen that resilience.
  • 问题: Coordinated global efforts to bring financial institutions and authorities together to holistically address operational resilience issues continues to strengthen. 然而, the absence of clear requirements or conflicting approaches by banking and market regulators may lead to fractured operational resilience approaches and, 对fmi, conflicting operational resilience requirements.
  • 2023年展望: 存 will work with other financial institutions, 金融当局 and 标准制定机构 to identify and develop reconciliation steps that align banking and market regulator expectations for operational and cyber resilience.

Focus Area: Third Party Risk / Resilience Management

  • 背景: Financial institutions are accountable for any activity, product or service outsourced or delegated to a third party. 进一步, supervisory and regulatory operational resilience principles and rulemaking are driving financial institutions to increase the level of understanding of the potential impacts that a third-party may have on their resilience and the third-party’s ability to rapidly recover from material operational events.
  • 问题: Third-party providers’ resilience and the oversight requirements of these relationships by financial institutions must be shaped in collaboration with global 金融当局 through public/private partnerships.
  • 2023年展望: 存 will partner with standards settings bodies and supervisory working groups to develop principles for third-party resilience so that existing rules can be updated with the new requirements and new rules can be consistently developed across jurisdictions. Areas of focus will include terminology, 合同条款, 供应链管理, 尽职调查和集中风险.

“存 continues to pursue new and innovative technologies to build a resilient and forward-looking infrastructure,哈勒尔说。. “当我们踏上数字化之旅时, we maintain a laser focus approach to pursue new innovations that provide efficiencies and align with our mission to reduce systemic risk for the ever-changing financial industry.”

杰森·哈勒尔 - 432x576px
杰森·哈勒尔 存 Head of External Engagements, 操作和技术风险, CISM

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