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Breaking Down EMIR Refit Preparations

By 存管连接 Staff | 5 minute read | 五月 5, 2022

欧洲市场基础设施条例的监管适应性和绩效计划(EMIR Refit)将要求公司向欧盟的欧洲证券和市场管理局(欧洲证券与市场管理局)和英国的金融行为监管局(葬礼)报告衍生品交易的方式发生重大变化. Scheduled for implementation as early as Q4 2023, 规则制定者希望通过采用标准化的数据要求,提高衍生品市场的透明度, increasing alignment across global regimes and jurisdictions.

存管连接 spoke with 山姆北, 据导演, 存储库 and Derivatives 服务 (RDS) Product Management, to get an update on EMIR Refit and how firms can start preparing for implementation today.

Related: 存's Chris Childs on Upcoming Trade Reporting Rewrites and Refits

DC: What are some of the biggest changes being introduced under EMIR Refit?

SN: It is clear from the industry Consultation Papers – issued by both 欧洲证券与市场管理局葬礼 – that EMIR Refit will place a continued, and even enhanced, focus on data quality. 有更严格的要求向各自主管部门报告重大问题, trade reporting firms may want to take additional action to ensure successful reporting. +, EMIR Refit将要求交易存储库向用户提供一套新的ISO 20022 XML报告, offering ‘Submitters’ 和 ‘Entity Responsible for Reporting’ access to more data, highlighting any data quality issues.

在EMIR Refit下引入新的数据元素和标识符字段将对公司报告的方式产生重大变化. 例如, 在公司的报告系统中,如何以及何时使用新的唯一vnsr威尼斯城官网登入标识符(UPI)字段以及UPI在全球报告制度中的使用差异将需要考虑在内. When it comes to linking trades, 对于在EMIR Refit生效时开启的现有交易,以及在应用EMIR Refit条款后执行的新交易,需要以不同的方式应用新的字段和数据元素.

这些新的链接字段包括先验唯一事务标识符(其中必须填充导致报告事务的前一个事务的UTI)。, 后续头寸ID(新交易的标识符,当交易因其包含在头寸中而终止时)和交易后风险降低(PTRR) ID (i.e., 由PTRR服务提供者生成的标识符,用于连接进入给定PTRR事件(如压缩)的所有衍生品).

DC: Will EMIR Refit include revised reconciliation obligations?

SN: 欧洲证券与市场管理局将采用分阶段的方法大幅增加EMIR改装下的可调和油田数量. 第一阶段, including 85 fields, will go live with the overall EMIR Refit rules implementation 和 second phase, 两年后, 是否会增加另外66个字段,并引入新的估值调节状态,以反映交易对手之间对市值计价进行调整的结果.

As outlined in their Consultation Paper, 欧洲证券与市场管理局 is also considering different approaches to their reconciliation logic. 当前的建议是利用新的Event Date字段(例如.e., 报告将基于事件日期减去2个工作日),以解释交易对手在交易日而不是T+1报告的情况.

The 葬礼 for its part, 打算在2022年底就和解的领域和相关的容忍进行磋商.


SN: 最初, the biggest concern was around the move to the ISO 20022 XML message format, 但我们现在听到的是,客户最关心的是运营方面的因素,比如欧洲证券与市场管理局和葬礼之间的监管分歧.

另一个担忧是,在欧洲证券与市场管理局和葬礼提供的6个月过渡期内,将所有未平仓交易升级到最新的技术标准. This raises questions about sourcing the new data elements, but it also poses both technical (i.e., submitting and receiving responses in XML) and operational considerations (i.e., ensuring you are adequately resourced to complete the task). 在这六个月中,贸易内部和贸易间存储库对账可能会遇到一些数据质量方面的挑战. 公司还需要与报告对手方保持一致,因为在不同时间根据最新技术标准修改交易,必然会影响数据质量.

DC: ISO 20022和UPI要求将如何影响公司为符合EMIR改装的准备?

SN: 从一个n ISO 20022 的角度来看, the primary decision a submitting firm needs to make is whether they build a solution to create, transmit and ingest XML reports or they utilize a vendor solution to do this, 如 存报告中心®. 尽早做出这一决定有助于顺利过渡到新的报告格式. When the new rules are implemented, trade repositories will have an additional layer of verification to the Validation Rules. If a firm receives a rejection message due to an invalid schema, 然后,提交者有责任在报告截止日期内进行补救并重新提交(这适用于自我报告和代表其他实体提交的任何提交)。. 在EMIR Refit下,这一点变得更加重要,因为欧洲证券与市场管理局和葬礼都表示,必须向主管当局通报“重大问题”。.

When it comes to the UPI, 时间表和方法最近都进行了调整,以确保启动日期与监管时间表一致. 具体地说, 衍生品服务局已承诺在九个月前提供用户验收测试, and Production three months prior, to any regulatory go-live.

DC: What is 存 doing to help educate and prepare clients for reporting readiness?

SN: 从一个 Global Trade 存储库 service (GTR) 的角度来看, 我们正在举办一系列客户活动,重点关注EMIR改装的更多操作细节,并在实施前六个月开放我们的UAT环境,以促进早期测试. 除了, 我们将继续与行业直接或通过行业vnsr威尼斯城官网登入合作,帮助客户实施和应对挑战. As a market utility, we see this as a fundamental part of our service to the industry.

存 Consulting 服务 专家可以提供一系列服务,帮助您为EMIR改装和全球其他监管制度的变化做好准备. These services include, but are not limited to impact analysis, requirements documentation and rule interpretation, control framework health check, 精度检查, test case development, 测试策略, 测试执行, and program management.


联系我们 了解存咨询服务和存报告中心如何帮助您为EMIR改装和即将到来的其他重写和改装做好准备.

山姆北 据导演, Product Management
山姆北 据导演, Product Management

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