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Data is everywhere; and in today's data-driven world, data management needs to be right. 存企业数据管理执行董事约翰Yelle接受了采访 存管连接 about the necessity of a data management plan, and provided insight from his participation during a recent webinar, "Getting Data Management Right," sponsored by the Enterprise Data Management Council (EDMC) and Collibra.

Why is data management important?

数据涉及整个企业——从复杂技术的各个方面到作为最终用户工具的电子表格. And the data needs to be accurate. From a resiliency and recovery point of view, 如果需要故障转移到另一个站点—首先要检查的是数据.

Data management is also necessary for an organization to be proactive. 通过检查数据是否满足定义的质量要求,数据质量规则将有助于避免质量问题可能带来的负面影响. 例如,从控制和风险的角度来看,您想要主动而不是被动. 你越早发现问题,你就越有能力找到解决办法.

What are some challenges of data management?

我们在复杂的vnsr威尼斯城官网登入行业中扮演着至关重要的角色——处于全球交易活动的中心, 每天处理数万亿美元的证券交易. Every part of our job functions involves data. 结果是, 一个关键的挑战是基于数据量的绝对规模,以及它是我们业务各个方面不可或缺的一部分. The complexity of the industry is manifested in the services we provide, and the data processed by each.

在建立数据管理实践时,仔细管理范围是很重要的. That can be a challenge. 此外,建立一个数据管理程序需要广泛的参与和支持. It’s not a project with a defined end date. 而, 当成功, 数据管理程序改变了企业文化,并在整个企业中建立了可持续的数据管理能力.

How are those challenges addressed?

由强大的计划管理支持的已定义的策略用于设置和管理基于紧密管理范围和优先级的期望. 任何改变企业文化的尝试的成功都取决于沟通, 意识 and training that continually evolves as the program evolves. 我们还定期使用EDMC的数据管理能力评估模型(DCAM)来衡量我们的数据管理成熟度水平,以跟踪进展并调整我们的路线图和计划,以解决优先功能.

What is the future of data management?

数据是机器学习和人工智能的核心。. Both present a considerable opportunity as well as unique challenges.

If we look at a trade, it is made up of or described by data—the date, the number of shares, 价格, 客户端. When processing is done through ML, 机器将检查数据,并尝试通过训练和学习使过程更有效. The machine then produces more data about the data and the process.

To incorporate ML or AI, 组织需要了解他们的数据,并确保其具有最高质量,符合目的. Given the increased scale of data used and produced by ML, 由坏数据引导的技术学习导致的错误的影响是指数级的. 这也是为什么数据管理必须成为公司核心能力的原因.

How have past crises defined data management at 存?

过去的挑战告诉我们,我们需要有正确的数据来做出正确的决定. 2008年的金融危机推动了存和整个vnsr威尼斯城官网登入行业的文化变革,以提高数据的透明度. 这一变化使利益相关者能够就数据提出正确的问题, 包括数据的来源以及为确保高质量而采取的控制措施.

我们在数据方面的持续投资确保我们尽最大努力做好准备. At the height of the volatility and volumes seen in March, we couldn't wait to figure out what data was needed, or where to find it. Our past investments and preparations were rewarded. We had confidence in the data and that it was “fit for purpose.”

While 存 and the industry have moved on from the height of the crisis, data continues to be central to risk and risk management. 有一种持续的演变推动文化变革,以提高遗留数据的透明度. 我们可以扩展现有的数据,帮助数据保持可持续性,并对变化做出反应.

How does 存 approach data management?

数据管理是我们一直在做的事情,尽管可能没有定义, 全面的, consistent way across the enterprise. 我们不仅将DCAM用作评估我们的成熟度级别的工具,而且还将其用作定义实践的框架,该实践由适用于存的操作模型支持. 在业务、运营和技术方面建立了明确的角色和职责. 我们投资了技术平台来支持我们的数据管理实践——数据质量, 数据架构, metadata management and data governance. 技术投资对于实现数据管理实践的有效和高效扩展是必要的. We look at our strategy as a living document that continues to evolve. 这样做使我们能够很好地支持由战略业务目标驱动的前瞻性工作,这些目标将简化我们的数据架构,同时保持对日常表利益的关注. 

How does an organization like 存 maintain a data culture?

At 存, data is central to everything we do as an organization. To sustain the gains we’ve made, 我们将继续专注于战略优先事项,以确定我们数据管理计划的范围和优先事项. While we have a central data management group acting as a control function, responsibility for data management is federated throughout the business, 因此,我们在整个公司拥有一个不断扩大的数据质量利益相关者群体.

由于数据是如此关键,我们在业务部门层面有巨大的机会. When creating a new solution or application, 同时建立数据控制和数据质量规则和度量是至关重要的. 这种主动性不仅降低了风险,还降低了必须进行改造的可能性. 为了让不同的利益相关者看到投资数据的好处,正确的理解和沟通是必要的.

A solid data management plan involves communication, 意识, 以及确保和维护跨所有企业级别的参与的教育.




存 Executive Director, Enterprise Data Management (EDM)

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