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SDR and Custodians Broadening 服务 and Evolving Relationships

作者:Matthew Johnson, 存副总监,ITPvnsr威尼斯城官网登入管理| 2020年5月11日

托管人在结算纪律制度下也面临挑战,包括推出强制性服务, managing buy-side relationships and a change in processes, writes Matthew Johnson of 存, who believes its time they prepare too.

《vnsr威尼斯城官网登入》(CSDR)的结算纪律制度(SDR)部分要求投资公司实施旨在减轻结算失败的措施, 因此,围绕准备工作的讨论大多集中在买方身上也就不足为奇了. 现在, with less than a year to go until the SDR deadline, 一旦新规生效,预计托管人将成为另一个受到重大影响的群体.

At this stage, 托管人社区面临的挑战是鼓励他们的客户提前做好准备,同时与客户沟通他们与客户关系可能发展的方式, specifically around new services SDR compels custodians to provide.

目前由托管人酌情提供的两项服务将被SDR强制执行:账户隔离和部分结算. 由于提供的隔离帐户数目增加,因此需要托管人管理增加的文件, 即使是目前构成托管人综合账户一部分的现有客户/资金. 创建这些新隔离的客户账户将需要入职和新的客户/基金文件. 特别提款权还要求在中央证券存管机构(CSDs)进行部分结算,以帮助最大限度地减少经济处罚,并确保只支付未能结算的未偿交易金额. 这项服务新的强制性将要求保管人制定一个完整的过程,这将需要技术支出和额外的人力vns6060威尼斯城官网.

As a result of SDR, 如果交易未能在规定的T+2结算时间框架内结算,托管人将需要为买方客户提供进一步的强制性服务. Via custodians, CSDs will pass all late settlement penalties onto custodians, 那么谁必须确定哪一方对失败的交易负责——他们自己还是买方. If the buy-side is at fault, 托管人负责与买方沟通并传递罚款, which over time has the potential to negatively impact a relationship, 特别是如果问题正在进行中,或者如果客户对解决原因提出异议.

此外, 特别提款权对交易失败的强制性处罚可能要求托管人提供服务,以协助买方进行逾期结算罚款对账, 这项服务将要求每天更新正在实施的经济处罚的状态. 托管人将需要为不同的交易对手理清一个可能复杂的信用/借方网络, apportioning them accordingly and then passing on those costs. 进一步, the custodians may be pressured to provide the buy-side with daily, weekly and monthly reports on their penalty exposures, an even heavier administrative burden.

托管人需要提供的另一项与罚款有关的服务涉及到计算罚款的每日参考价格的透明度. In order to create a level playing field, 特别提款权规定,CSD决定每种证券的每日参考价格, 作为计算失败和解罚款金额的基准. 而汇率预计不会明显偏离执行价格, under the regulation, the CSD is not required to publish the daily reference price. 因此, 买方可能会要求其托管人协助从罚款水平回溯来确定汇率, once the buy side has incurred it. 由于托管人已经在管理和解罚款和解, 他们可能期望托管人提供每日参考价格决定,作为其更广泛服务的一部分.

In addition to the late settlement penalty, SDR requires that all CSDs charge penalties for late matching, a fee that is currently discretionary. Similar to SDR’s failed trade rules, 托管人必须确定比赛延迟的原因,以及是否由于买方未能及时分享交易细节, then they will incur a late matching penalty. 强制征收逾期配对罚款将导致惩教署收取的费用大幅增加, and custodians are responsible for managing this process, which is likely to require the allocation of additional resources. 再一次。, much like the new mandates around failed trades, 托管人和买方客户将需要在确定为买方错误的延迟匹配事件中加强沟通, a potentially difficult conversation.

SDR对托管人群体的要求还包括提高透明度,增加有关交易失败率的绩效报告,并以标准化格式向其国家主管机构(NCA)进行后期匹配。. 托管人需要获取客户端的LEI代码来跟踪单个客户的性能, as opposed to the BIC codes currently used for identification. 这一要求有效地使lei成为托管人的必要条件,以便他们能够识别结算和匹配记录不佳的客户.

In the short to medium term, 特别提款权将显著改变托管人与其买方客户的关系. 买方在结算和匹配过程中效率低下的原因在哪里, 这种演变可能会导致托管人与客户之间的对话变得具有挑战性. 早期准备和托管人对买方客户的积极教育,是确保买方客户具备应对SDR新要求的能力的关键, mitigating their impact on custodians as a result.

This article first appeared in Global Custodian on April 8, 2020.



马特•约翰逊, 存 Director, ITP Product Management
马特•约翰逊 存 Director, ITP Product Management & Industry Relations

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