
(This article was updated on 小君e 18, 2020)

The global impact of the coronavirus has created tremendous challenges for companies across sectors, including financial services. Like all our colleagues in business, our priority is to protect the safety and well-being of our employees and their families as well as members of the broader 存 community. As a critical market infrastructure, 然而, we also have a responsibility to seamlessly execute for the industry and provide stability for the financial system – a role that is magnified during times of crisis when markets are extremely volatile, and our clients and others are looking to us to safeguard the system.

As we’ve seen over the past several months, despite the unpredictability of the markets, 我们的公司是坚定不移的, and we have robust business continuity standards and controls in place and resilience embedded into our systems and operations to manage during a wide variety of crisis scenarios. Like our colleagues across the industry, we have implemented a series of policies, including remote working, to prevent the spread of the virus within our offices. We continue to are closely monitor the situation and have the agility and flexibility to quickly adjust our approach as needed as things evolves.

We are living through a very difficult time, and as the past few months demonstrate, events are moving faster than we’ve ever seen before. Please know that while this pandemic will challenge our firm and our industry, it will not change the way we perform for our clients. To all our stakeholders, please be safe.

If you have any questions, please call your relationship manager or send an email to (电子邮件保护).



2020年6月15日: 直接转矩’s Physical 证券的处理 resumed limited services on 2020年5月18日,星期一 for previously submitted transactions and certificates. 直接转矩 resumed limited services for new physical securities transactions on Wednesday, May 20, 2020. 直接转矩恢复服务 2020年6月10日,星期三 for All Non-FAST securities issuances that were previously closed with a Letter of Securities Possession (LOP). 请阅读 Important Notice B#13402-20: Partial Resumption of 直接转矩 Physical 证券的处理, 帖子ed May 14, 2020, and Important Notice B#13516-20: New Issuances: Resumption of Non-FAST Physical Processing, 帖子ed on 小君e 10, 2020.

Providing Stability in Times of Market Stress ——默里·波兹曼特, 存 Head of 清算 Agency 服务 and Global Operations and 客户端 服务, explains how 存 provides stability for the financial system, 日复一日.

Shining our Brightest During a Historic Crisis ——蒂姆·基迪, 存 Managing Director and Head of 解决方案, shares how 存 team have rallied together to rise to the occasion and protect the financial markets and our clients.

存’s End User 服务 Provides Support for COVID-19 - When a request for donations of phone equipment for the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center COVID-19 hospital in Manhattan went out, 存 employees responded quickly to help doctors, nurses and healthcare workers to stay in contact about patient progress throughout the massive convention center.





2020年2月24日 Checking Blind Spots to See More Clearly
2020年2月3日 Market Infrastructures 2020 and Beyond
2020年1月14日 存 Executives Look Ahead to 2020