
It is business as usual (BAU) for firms around the world as they cope with the impact of COVID-19. 对操作弹性的测试, COVID-19 essentially requires firms to quickly adjust and update existing business continuity and disaster recovery plans to manage the impact that is unique to the pandemic. Added to the complexity of the new normal is that operational readiness for firms in the financial services industry differs between markets based primarily on digital adoption level and infrastructure condition.

收集更多vns6060威尼斯城官网挑战的见解, 如果有任何, 在向新常态过渡的过程中, 存的哈桑·劳夫报道, 执行董事, 亚太区业务发展主管, 最近与努尔·艾尼·沙伊克·阿瓦布进行了一对一的讨论, 首席执行官, 丰隆伊斯兰资产管理公司, 马来西亚.

HR: I am interested in understanding some of the operational obstacles that buy-side firms in 马来西亚 are experiencing in the current pandemic. What are your sentiments on how firms are doing in this climate of extreme uncertainty?

爱伲人:俗话说, “Necessity is the Mother of Invention” continues to remain true as we need a crisis to turn challenges into opportunities. 在今天的背景下, COVID-19 has brought operational challenges in three key areas for asset management, 即系统基础设施准备, human capital management and enhanced disaster recovery capabilities including working remotely. 也就是说, opportunities exist now for buy-side firms in 马来西亚 to address these challenges – to build greater business and operational resiliency in preparation for the next disruptive event.


爱伲人: Many traditional asset management outfits are still using office-based instead of web-based solutions – particularly for back office operations and product distribution. 他们的想法是, 在办公室工作, 对安全协议的担忧较少, cyber security threats and there is better control as confidential data are kept on-premise. 尽管有劳动力革命的讨论, most operations staff are still working on desktops that are not equipped with WIFI and virtual private network features. The mobile workforce challenge is further compounded by poor WIFI and broadband connections outside of the office.

人力vns6060威尼斯城官网:简单, what are the issues with human capital management and securing a disaster recovery site?

爱伲人: Given that COVID-19 is unparalleled in its global reach and gravity – distressing and affecting our personal and professional lives -- clear guidelines and best practices on remote working should be made available to avoid any ambiguity in the absence of face-to-face supervision. Aside from understanding the challenges of working from home specific to the needs of individual employee, greater teamwork and collaboration is required to enable a remote BAU environment.

As the disaster recovery site is essentially a backup site to enable business to resume operations in the event of a failover or an alternative to working from home, 选择的地点应在针对COVID-19建造的安全区域.

人力vns6060威尼斯城官网:鉴于2019冠状病毒病期间技术的作用得到加强, 向新常态的转变有多大的挑战?

爱伲人作为一家公司, we were able to quickly absorb operational uncertainties and incorporate lessons learned to enable a “plug and play” operating model, 由移动业务连续性团队提供支持. We also looked at outsourcing repetitive operational tasks to unburden our team as they adjusted to the new way of working. E-marketing solutions are now being considered to ensure that our sales and distribution team can continue to canvass for new business and respond to the new needs of our existing clients.

HR:在向远程工作过渡的过程中, 公司是否会从中、后台职能外包中获益?

爱伲人无论我们是外包还是内包, the end goal is the same – to implement automaton that will complement or provide value add services to the existing team. 如果内包是首选, we need to decide which existing systems should be fully automated to enable interoperability with external partners. 如果妥协是必要的——支持半自动化的环境, digitization of mission-critical operational functions should be a top priority in the automation roadmap. 另一个选择是部分外包非核心功能.

如果考虑完整的外包模型, firms should first evaluate the automation level of the outsourcing firm and if the outsourced services add value to the existing team. 在资产管理行业, it is important that real-time updates from services providers are available to help monitor operational activities or in the resolution of issues. Extra care is needed in the selection of service provider as outsourcing does not absolve firms of their regulatory obligations or project management responsibilities.

HR: Financial markets have been volatile as a result of COVID-19 and has reshaped how firms leverage technology to mitigate operational risk. 你能分享更多的见解吗?

AIINI: Pre-COVID-19, regulators in 马来西亚 have already been pushing the asset management industry to embark on digitalization and digital transformation as the end goal – to increase the competitiveness of local buy-side firms. The recommendation to adopt straight through processing to replace at least 70% of manual functions across front, 中后台将有助于提高业务效率, 为投资者提供更好的服务,并以较低的成本实现增长.

最近, we have seen that firms with automated processes were able to remotely handle the extreme market volatility fueled by COVID-19 – ensuring that trades are matched, 按时执行和结算. Automation is a key component in the change management plan required to build greater resilience and strengthen resource capacity. 公司不能再拖延建立强健的, 端到端自动化平台需要做出明智的投资决策, 遵守法规义务, 优化分销渠道,管理运营需求.

在大流行后的世界中茁壮成长, it is important for asset managers in 马来西亚 to continue to invest in digital capabilities. 这是唯一的出路.



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